A Strategy For Creating A Hoppean Social Order: Anti-State Guerrilla Warfare

We cannot live under the same government because of how diverse we are. We have people who vote Bernie Sanders into office and people who vote Rand and Ron Paul into office living under the same system. These politicians’ visions for the United States are diametrically opposed. The people who vote for these people are even more so, as the extremes on both sides support these politicians to get closer to what they want. This can be seen by the Marxist-Leninist campaign workers of Bernie we have seen videos of at the beginning of the year and all of the anarcho-capitalists that have come out of the Ron Paul revolution and have come out in favor of Jacob Hornberger. The breadth of politicians is less diverse than the breadth of the population.

We can even see this divide in the less extreme sides of the ideological spectrum. Plenty of “normie” conservatives will repeat the lines about the 2nd amendment being used to fight acts of tyranny, such as abolishing the 2nd amendment, getting rid of self-defense, and now their right to work to support their family. On the other side, many normie liberals will tell you that they wish they could just enact these same tyrannical laws that 'normie' conservatives say would be worthwhile to fight a civil war over. At this point, it doesn’t even seem like the more moderate of each side can really live together.

I also reject the idea that the extremes of the political parties are as small as people say. Bernie is almost beating the democratic establishment and the Republican establishment had to push the Pauls aside through rule-bending or breaking.

The brewing conflict is unavoidable and must be dealt with. These various factions, including Hoppeans like me, cannot live happily under the same rule as if one side wins, it will mean the other side is under a rule that they are completely opposed to. This is not a stable formula for peace. The only solution possible is for a separation to occur.

How should a separation occur? What would lead to the best chance for a Hoppean social order? An explicit secession like that of the American Civil war obviously needs to be avoided as it pits two sides against one another and a small minority like a Hoppean social order cannot come out of it. Hoppe calls this strategy Anti-State Guerrilla Warfare. Many others call this implicit secession.

An implicit secession is one where state and local governments no longer enforce federal laws and start enforcing their own laws. They no longer follow edicts by federal courts that they don’t like. This is why it is implicit secession or non-compliance. Their actions imply secession. No one has written an article of independence, stuck a flag in the ground, nor made their own country, so there was no explicit secession; instead, a smaller part of a state is just acting as it has.

The government is a small minority of the overall population. They cannot act to stop some large percentage of the population. A direct confrontation with federales needs to be avoided as such violent acts will only pit one side against another and lead to explicit, rather than implicit secession. From this, it should be fairly easy to see what needs to be done.

We need the major political forces to get on board with non-compliance. We need to get the conservatives on the side of implicit secession because the liberals have already started the process of non-compliance with issues such as marijuana legalization, other drug decriminalization, and immigration. The objective of implicit secession is to get states to not comply with federal laws. Get counties and towns to not comply with state laws. The liberals have so far been able to implement their own policies at the federal level and ignored whatever conservative wins at the state level and so far the conservatives have simply stood and taken it. When will the conservatives try fighting back with something that is supposedly on their platform - state rights.

Liberals are unlikely to ever allow degradation of federal power until the conservatives start not complying with federal law on the level they are. Once both sides are doing it, both sides will continue to up the ante until the federal government is illegitimate. The liberals must go for this because we all know they will not stop ignoring federal laws they do not like. The conservatives should know by now that the only truce possible is through the reinstating of state powers. Only by fighting back can the conservatives in this country stop the expansion of federal laws that they disagree with from being put into effect where they live. As they do this, they will untangle the federal government further and further until it is completely delegitimized and there is no longer a federal government to be non-compliant with.

Once the conservatives stop paying attention to things like Obamacare, abortion, and gun laws, liberals will stop paying attention to the second amendment. This will allow places like TX, MS, and ID to ignore the 1934 National Firearms Act. There have already been bills in these states to ignore it. The delegitimization of federal power will lead to the collapse of federal power.

The rest of Illinois should ignore the gun laws passed by Chicago. The delegitimization of state power will lead to the breaking apart of the states. How terrible will the 11 counties surrounding LA be? Terribly repressive, but their stranglehold on the rest of CA will have been rest away from Sacramento.

The objective is not to make all people live under Hoppeanism, American conservatism, neoliberalism, or democratic socialism, but to localize power. What do I care that Los Angeles and New York City are run by socialists? LA and NYC are geographically distant to me. As long as I can live under the system I want, I should be fine with that. I should be fine with having my area of the world map that is run how I agree and not try to force the rest of the world to live as I live.

Once the federal government is broken up and smaller states start to form, it will be easier than ever for a smaller group, like that of Hoppeans, to congregate in a geographic region and do the same while the political lines are being redrawn. Neither the liberals nor conservatives will want the other to have the land the Hoppeans congregated in and at this point, a civil war could still break out, which neither side should want when peace is so easily attained at this point. By adopting a stance of neutrality that a Hoppean social order necessarily has, it would be clear to both sides that trying to destroy the Hoppean social order would be far riskier than any potential gains could happen.


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