PC Watch

Inspired by the original “PC Watch” written by the great Lew Rockwel in the 90’s, this is the inaugural edition of a column I will be contributing to my great friends over at Hoppean.org. Checkout their site as they are continuously knocking it out of the park with their expertise and analysis.

•Earlier this week, a string of killings that occurred in Albuquerque, New Mexico, made national headlines after it was put together that all of the victims were Muslims. Hysteria within the Muslim community soon ensued and even President Biden tweeted about the crimes. Of course the media exploited this tragedy as a way to play into the idea that Muslims are inherently oppressed and thus targeted in the US, so we were reminded of how racist America is and that Islamophobia should be shamed and is never justified. However, the media quickly reigned these sentiments in after it was revealed that the suspected killer, Muhammad Syed, is a Muslim himself. To keep up with appearances though, the mainstream media is only describing Syed as an Afghan immigrant.

Later this same week though, we were able to witness the media go through quite the schizophrenic episode when author Salman Rushdie was stabbed in the neck on a lecture stage in New York. Rushdie, who is famous for his 1988 book “The Satanic Verses” which famously critiques Islam, is also a known critic of organized religion as whole. So when Rushdie was stabbed by Hadi Matar, a young Muslim, the media took the opportunity to propagandize against organized religion as a whole, rather than make Islam their specific target. Whatever you think of Islam, it’s clear to anyone who pays attention to the media that the media is not making sense in how they report these stories. It is even more puzzling that many of the same people crying about discrimination and violence against Muslims are now attacking organized religion in general as an institution that fosters extremist violence. It should also be clear to anyone who pays attention enough to the media that they are going through this schizophrenic episode for a reason: they need to keep us divided over beliefs such as religion, while also rendering us soulless by ostracizing organized religion.

•In September, the White House will be hosting a conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, who is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will lead a task force to provide info to the White House that will point them towards a legislative direction. This makes sense because the Gates Foundation has promoted eating artificial meats as well as bugs in the past few years, which is just as destructive as it is disgusting. What makes this even more ridiculous however is Mozaffarian’s own promotion of his “Food Compass”, which he developed in 2021. This rating system is used to measure numerous foods and beverages on 9 nutritional values on a scale of 0-100. Seems ideal, but the problem with this rating system is seen within the rankings themselves. How is Lucky Charms (which has a score of 60), healthier than real ground beef (26)? Well, it makes no sense just like everything else the Biden Administration does, so it makes sense they will listen to Mozaffarian’s advice. It would also make sense if they utilized Mozaffarian’s nutritional advice along with his idea to strengthen federal nutrition programs such as school meals, SNAP, and WIC in order to expand government programs so they can tax us more while making us unhealthier. It also would make sense that this is all being done to make fat asses feel better about themselves. Do not be surprised if after September the government is directly subsidizing these fat asses’ gluttonous behavior with a pretty smile.

•The local government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has set up a center for people to report incidents that do not qualify as crimes, but rather just hurt people’s feelings. These will include incidents that are anti-Queer, anti-Gypsy, anti-Muslim, as well as any incidents of racism. This same locality had a center where people could report incidents of anti-Semitism open up earlier in 2022. The establishment of this new center came about through the efforts of Family Minister Josefine Paul, who is a lesbian herself, as well as a member of the left wing Green Party. About the center and the reporting of non-crimes Paul said, “This will give us an even more comprehensive picture and enable us to draw important conclusions for intervention and prevention.” While I am a proponent of everyone trying to get along, the words “intervention and prevention” lead me to think Josefine Paul and possibly other members of the German government want to utilize these statistics to possibly punish people for what they consider wrong-think in the future. It also makes things worse that when incidents are reported they are recorded rather vaguely, not including much detail. Regardless, this may be a sign of the future, as North Rhine-Westphalia has announced they are working on an anti-discrimination law that will make these incidents punishable. Talk about fascism with a smile. Will the new swastikas be made of dicks with a rainbow-colored background? But as always we should look on the bright

side: at least the prisons will be funny!


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