The Libertarian Delusion: The War On Drugs

by Taco Salad

Libertarians need to get a grip on reality if the “War on Drugs” ends

With the current happenings in the world with the riots going on in Minnesota and other places in the country something worthwhile needs to be said. I imagine I will be preaching to the choir in this piece; however, it is necessary. Granted, saying this will get you branded as a bigot or racist by all the people who are fake libertarians and people that would have no problem with you being destroyed simply for being a certain race. Nonetheless, these things need to be said.

I believe there to be a certain delusion when it comes to libertarians and certain communities. That delusion is that if we decriminalized certain laws it would be a silver bullet to help all that plagues certain communities. While removing this one problem may help some get on the right track to a peaceful life. Let us not delude ourselves as to believe it would solve the problem of the plague.

So, what is it that I am referring to and what does it have to do with the current situation America is facing? Well, namely the “War on Drugs,” which is nothing but a war on people, but I digress. Are we to sit here and believe that people that have spent the entirety of their lives steeped in criminal behavior are just going to wake up and get right once the war on drugs is over? Not that they would ever truly make drugs completely legal, but for the sake of argument follow me. Say if that were to happen, all drugs are legal and the market is allowed to function unmolested, then what? What’s likely to happen which has already happened when drug dealing has gone legit. The people that know how to run proper businesses take over and the black-market actors find something else to peddle.

In so far as decriminalization has happened is there evidence to suggest that these black-market actors have found legitimate work? Or, is it more likely that these black-market actors replaced by legitimate businesses find some new taboo to peddle in? Let me offer up a realization that is more likely to take place if this were to happen. A bit of a black pill, but here we go. As previously stated, these aren’t people that are accustomed to normal work. Moreover, far too many of these people have no work ethic to speak of. If these people’s only income is cut off what do they resort to? That’s the question no one seems to want to answer because it would unmask the characters of these types of people.

We are speaking of people that deal in the taboo. They have very little regard for the rule of law and property rights. These are the kind of people that peddle drugs to school-age children. I hold these people in the highest of contempt. If these people have no problem with warping the minds of the next generation, getting them out of criminal activity may be impossible. What problem would they have with doing even worse?

I’m asking a lot of questions in this piece and not giving a lot of answers. The truth is such a situation is a leap into the unknown. We don’t know what could happen. This piece serves more as a warning than a plan. The warning is that these people may turn to the most heinous taboo that has ever been brought on this Earth and some that happen in pockets of the world today.

From this, we come full circle to the delusion that far too many Libertarians suffer from. These people will switch to a new taboo and probably one of the worst, Human Trafficking. The people that engage themselves in these actions are the scum of the Earth that would do something so morally depraved as sell drugs to kids. Is it not such a stretch that they would go so far as to think they would kidnap children and sell them into sex slavery?

As I would continue to reiterate, is it likely I’m wrong? Sure, however, if I’m not wrong the police’s newfound time not bothered with pointless laws should be put to good use. If we are to liberate the police from the mindless tasks of stopping people from consuming substances that destroy themselves. Then perhaps we employ them in such a manner worthy of our tax burden. Namely, stamping out all vile behavior that violates the ownership of one’s body, self-defense and castle doctrine. Further, they should be employed to stop this current torrent of riots that destroy the private property of the people they supposedly swore to protect.

Acting as if ending the “war on drugs” is going to be the end all be all is delusional to its highest degree. In so far as there is not a common belief in property norms and self-ownership, the populace will be in a cold war with one another. Murray Rothbard and Hannes Hoppe have laid out a solid framework towards liberty, we need to embrace it. This is very unlikely on a national scale, however, it’s time to start advocating it be done on a local scale. As Dr. Brion McClanahan puts it, “think locally, act locally,” or follow the lead of people like Michael Bolden of the Tenth Amendment Center that has pointed out that there don’t exist enough federal agents to enforce all these laws that violate state constitutions.

I’ll end by pointing out that Rome is literally on fire and the American Empire has overextended itself in an idiotic attempt to spread democracy. We live in a country that is now 26 trillion dollars in debt. Perhaps it’s time we go our own way and end the delusion that we can all get along in one nation of 330 million people that agree on very little.

If you feel so inclined follow me @TacoSalad85 on Twitter


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